
The Rise and Fall of the TV Journalist (Ch. Brooker, 2007)

Informativo, educativo, concursos, de debate, musical, infantil, variedades, telerrealidad, deportivo, de entrevistas, contenedor, nocturno... Por cualquier medio: televisión, cine, internet, radio.
The Rise and Fall of the TV Journalist
Charlie Brooker (Reino Unido, 2007)



In this television news special, Brooker talks about the need to entertain on the news and also the rise of 24 hour news. Adam Curtis talks about the rise and fall of the television journalist

In this short sequence, Curtis provides a tongue-in-cheek version of his own documentary style for a section about television news reporters in the third episode of the fourth series of the BBC Four programme 'Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe'.

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