
Fantasmas antes del desayuno (Hans Richter, 1928)

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Fantasmas antes del desayuno
Hans Richter (Alemania, 1928) [B/N, 9 min]

(wikipedia | filmaffinity)


    Escenas de humor grotesco en el que los objetos cotidianos se rebelan contra la rutina diaria.

Comentario personal:

    Poco antes de las doce del mediodía los objetos más cotidianos -sombreros, tazas, pajaritas, mangueras, etc.- se rebelan contra los humanos, negándose a obedecerlos, gastándoles bromas y desconcertando a los individuos que asisten a la insurrección.

Standish Lawder, como recoge la página Light Cone, escribió:Pure vintage dada. A humorous, delightful, grotesque in which ordinary objects rebel against their daily routine and, for a brief period of liberation, fallow their own laws. A bow-tie undoes itself, bowler hats float gracefully through the air, coffee cups leap from a tray to smash themselves on the ground, and so forth. At the stroke of noon, they return to their normal functional state. "Ghosts before breakfast" represents one of the earliest collaborations between avant-garde filmmaker and composer: Paul Hindemith's score accompanied the film when it was first shown at an avent-garde music festival in Baden-Baden in 1928.

Ficha técnica


Idioma original: Película muda.

DVDRip VO - AVI (XviD+MP3) [109 Mb]
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This two-DVD collection assembles some of the most influential and eclectic short films in the Rohauer Collection, including works by Man Ray, Hans Richter, Marcel Duchamp, Watson & Webber, Fernand Léger, Joris Ivens, Dimitri Kirsanoff, Jean Epstein, and Orson Welles.

Lenght: 00:09:02
Video: XviD at 1,5MB
Audio: Mp3 at 128kb/s

:str: Reproducción:


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