
Trata de blancas (Jaap Speyer, 1926)

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Trata de blancas
Jaap Speyer (Alemania, 1926) [B/N, 70 min]



    [propia] Película de intriga que gira sobre el tema de la trata de blancas y la prostitución y conduce hasta una enrevesada trama de tráfico delictivo en los Balcanes.

En Nitrate Ville se escribió:[...]
English-language synopsis of MÄDCHENHANDEL from James C. Robertson's The Hidden Cinema:

...the plot centres upon the activities of a white-slave gang led by Akkunian (Rudolf Klein-Rogge) in Athens, Budapest and Istanbul, with contacts in Berlin. Ida Stevens (Mary Kid) is passed on by a Berlin night-club owner to a bogus variety agent working for the gang, who offers her a night-club job in Budapest where she is abducted by the white slavers through a female accomplice. Ida and another young girl captive are rescued from the Athens brothel where they are held, but Akkunian recaptures them in Turkey and then sells them to another white-slave dealer before they ultimately undergo a last-minute rescue.

Synopsis of FIGHTING THE WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC from the Niagara Falls Gazette of June 12th, 1929:

The leader of the White Slave Traffic is one Ukkunian who directs the operation of the ring in many of the cities of Europe and Asia. Through many different disguises he manages to keep track of the police activities and in this way keep himself out of the clutches of the law. Unfortunately for Ukkunian he steals the wrong girls and finds himself the center of a manhunt that covers the entire map of Europe. After a chase that leads through Budapest, Athens, Berlin and Constantinople, the girls are finally rescued and the gang broken up.

Ficha técnica


Idioma original: Película muda.

    Sin enlaces, de momento.


    Monografías. (Alemania, 1919-1933)
    El cine expresionista es una de las corrientes más importantes de la producción fílmica alemana en el período inmediato al fin de la Primera Guerra Mundial...

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