
La energía y la tierra (Joris Ivens, 1940)

Largometraje documental, corto documental, reportaje, documental sonoro (no importa el formato)... ya sea en televisión, cine, internet, radio (no importa el medio).
La energía y la tierra
Power and the Land
Joris Ivens (EE.UU. de América, 1940) [B/N, 38 min]



    [fuente] Film producido por la Unites States Rural Electrification Administration (REA), una de las agencias del New Deal recientemente establecidas, que buscó promocionar el proceso de electrificación que entonces estaba teniendo lugar en las vastas áreas rurales de los Estados Unidos. Se plasma aquí el requerimiento del aparato tecnológico para la consecución de progreso y equiparación social entre la vida del campo y la de la ciudad.

En la página del Thessaloniki International Film Festival, s/f, se escribió:An informational film that was an important part of the rural electrification campaign, set up as part of the New Deal policies of President F.D. Roosevelt. Privatized electricity companies of US cities saw no profit in bringing electricity all the way to the sparsely populated countryside, so the ministry of Agriculture tried to convince farmers to set up co-operations which in turn could buy power from the government. Ivens selected a model farm and family, the Parkinsons, and shows the daily life on the farm before and after the installation of electricity. By 1961, the film had been seen by over 6 million people. Besides the two main components of American culture (untamed nature versus industrial progress), the film also had a strong human appeal. The whole film is staged with the farmer’s family acting as themselves. Today we’d call this a docudrama. The Parkinson farm had already been electrified several months before shooting began.

Ficha técnica


Idioma original: Inglés.

Secuencias (capturas del DVDRip VO de 435 Mb)

DVDRip VO - AVI [435 Mb] (fuente)

:str: Reproducción (VO):


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