
Militainment, Inc. (R. Stahl, 2007)

Largometraje documental, corto documental, reportaje, documental sonoro (no importa el formato)... ya sea en televisión, cine, internet, radio (no importa el medio).
Militainment, Inc. Militarism and pop culture
Militainment, Inc. Militarism and pop culture
Roger Stahl (EE.UU. de América, 2007) [124 min]



    "Militainment, Inc." offers a fascinating, disturbing, and timely glimpse into the militarization of American popular culture, examining how U.S. news coverage has come to resemble Hollywood film, video games, and "reality television" in its glamorization of war. Mobilizing an astonishing range of media examples - from news anchors' idolatry of military machinery to the impact of government propaganda on war reporting - the film asks: How has war taken its place in the culture as an entertainment spectacle? And how does presenting war as entertainment affect the ability of citizens to evaluate the necessity and real human costs of military action? The film is broken down into nine sections, each between 10 and 20 minutes in length, allowing for in-depth classroom analysis of individual elements of this wide-ranging phenomenon.

Ficha técnica

    Guión: Roger Stahl.

DVDRip VO - AVI [1.29 Gb]

:str: Reproducción:

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