
Mashenka (Yuli Raizman, 1942)

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Mashenka / Машенька
Yuli Raizman (URSS, 1942) [77 min]

(wikipedia | filmaffinity)


    Masha es una joven radiotelegrafista que estudia para ser médico, se enamora de Alyesha pero las dudas de éste y el estallido de la guerra impiden el desarrollo de la relación...

Bosley Crowther in the NYTimes, November 21, 1942: Considering all the grim and gripping pictures which have come along from Russia recently, it is somewhat surprising to encounter a pleasant and affecting Soviet film about love—just plain love—between two people. But such is "Mashenka," which came to the Stanley yesterday. So mild and ingenuous is its manner, so completely unpretentious is its plot, that one accustomed to fireworks might charge it hasn't the substances of a full-length film. For it simply tells the story of a Russian boy and girl who meet, fall in love and part ruefully in consequence of a lovers' tiff, then are happily rejoined for a moment on the Finnish battlefront, where he is a rugged tank driver and she an army nurse.

That is literally all there is to it with the exception of a few vivid battle scenes. But it is told with such frank simplicity and such natural exposition of small details, and it is played so modestly and warmly by Valentina Karavayeva and Mikhail Kuznetzov that it is indeed a moving and enjoyable little film. In Russia it may have been intended as a booster of public morale, but here it is just a genial whisper of love's old foolishness within a darking world.

Ficha técnica

    Guión: Yevgeni Gabrilovich, Sergei Yermolinsky.
    Música: Boris Volsky.
    Fotografía: Yevgeni Andrikanis, Galina Pyshkova (B&W).
    Productora: Mosfilm.


    Valentina Karavayeva, Mikhail Kuznetsov, D. Pankratova, Vera Altaiskaya, Georgii Svetlanin.

DVDRip VO - AVI [694 Mb] (fuente)

Nota Jue Jul 08, 2010 10:21 pm
gracias! esta no la tenía!

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