
Drugged Waters (William C. Dowlan, 1916)

Corto, medio, largo, serie, miniserie (no importa el formato)... en televisión, cine, internet, radio (no importa el medio).
Drugged Waters
William C. Dowlan (EE.UU. de América, 1916)



William C. Dowlan both directed and starred in this comedy. The High Bluff Mineral Springs owes its success to its waters, which have been drugged for years by its manager, Clarence Webb. However, Gladys Saunders, the Spring's young owner (Gloria Fonda), has just returned from college and has no idea of the deception. When a man arrives with his daughter Selma (Mary Ruby) and his physician, Dr. Sherwood (Dowlan), trouble starts brewing. Gladys and Dr. Sherwood fall for each other, much to the chagrin of Webb and Selma. When Gladys refuses to marry Webb, he reveals that the Spring owes its success to him because of the drugged waters. She's shocked and is determined to tell the guests the truth. Dr. Sherwood backs her up by insisting that what the folks need is exercise, a good diet, and pure spring water. Since Gladys and Sherwood can't convince the guests to stay on their own, they claim the hotel is quarantined, forcing them to stay. By the time Webb is able to prove that the quarantine is a sham, everyone has benefited so much from Dr. Sherwood's treatment that they are won over to his side. Webb and Selma are out of luck, while Gladys and Dr. Sherwood find happiness in both business and love. ~ Janiss Garza, All Movie Guide.


    E. P. Evers, George Berrell, William C. Dowlan, Gloria Fonda, Lule Warrenton, Doc Crane, Mary Ruby.

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